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day 10: a million ways to lose your soul online

I see a lot of folks in this industry (and by this industry I mean online writing and websites and blogging) advertising courses and tools and books and seminars with secrets that will change your life:

“Find a hundred new six-figure clients every week”


“Get a billion page views”


“Become a successful entrepreneur without working very hard.”

And I have nothing against courses and tools and books and seminars but I’ve yet to see this ad come through my newsfeed:

“Be a person who writes online without losing your soul”

I think it’s desperately necessary in this industry, and also in the broader space of our collective online society.

There are a million ways to lose your soul online. I’ve tried two or three of them myself. This incredible intersection of humanity and vulnerability and written words can quickly become a whirlpool of narcissism and insecurity and projection and ego and greed and before you know it you don’t even know which way is up anymore.

Don’t do that.

Please for the love of all that is good and beautiful, keep sharing your words and your heart online (if you feel like it). But don’t lose your soul to do it.

Not for money. Not for platform. Not for a few minutes of feeling significant.

It’s not worth it.

Share your words with us. But hold onto your soul.

Your words are enough.

They really are enough.

This blog post is part of #write31days. This year I’m skipping out on a theme and going with ten minutes of unedited free-writing every day (unless I don’t feel like it, let’s be honest). You can read more posts from my #write31days by clicking here.


published October 10, 2016

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