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Boys and Dolls: A Father's Response

What would you do if you found your boy playing with a doll instead of a bulldozer? This is the scandalous premise at the heart of a recent Sesame Street clip. As a guy who aspires to Biblical manhood, as a father of two sons, and as a regular viewer of Sesame Street, this debate…

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The Unexpected God

Santa or God

What is the god like? (This is the question that has haunted us all along.) Does it laugh? Does it cry? Does it care about humanity? Does it have a name, a face, a personality? We all have a mental picture of “God”. For many of us he is kind, wise, and distant. A long,…

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Incoherent Mumbled Prayers

“God, give me grace for today.” I don’t remember if I said it aloud, or just felt it trudge through my mind as a tired prayer. In that moment between looking at the clock on my phone and willing my frame into a vertical position, it was just there. This is an improvement . There have…

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I'm Sorry I Hated You

Jesus had a way of putting profound truth into just a few words. One time he summarized the entirety of the Bible by saying “Love God with all your heart. Love your neighbor as yourself.” In these two commands lie the essence of all Christian spirituality. I’ve been thinking about empathy lately, and about how…

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