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Why I Am an Artist

Today’s guest post comes from my friend Christina Dizon. I had the privilege of working with Christina on her new website a few months ago, and it turned out to be one of my favorite projects so far. I love Christina’s eye for beauty and her passion for encouraging other artists. I think you will too.

For twenty years now I’ve considered myself an artist in some form or another.

The last ten years I’ve been a photographer. The seven before that I was a musician. And the years before that I sketched. My entire life I’ve been a writer — always keeping a journal close by (and I have about 30 full journals to prove it).

I firmly believe that much of my perspective as an artist came from years of training myself to be introspective and self aware.

When you write, you force yourself to stop the busy-ness of the mind and open your heart to unseen things: Emotions, dreams, passions. You start becoming aware of things overlooked. You discover worlds hidden to the casual observer. The mysterious draws you in like a morning fog at daybreak. The silence of nature begs for unwritten melodies.

In one way or another, all these things are elements of something we all consider priceless: Beauty.

I love artists because we have a passion for beauty. We have a single aim: To unearth the beauty all around us, and display that to others.

I believe with all my heart this is a sacred call, for beauty awakens the soul to hope, to faith, and to love. Whether painters or writers, photographers or stylists, we can’t help but act upon the passion for creating beauty. There’s something that calls to our souls this truth: In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “The Creation of Beauty is Art.”

Being a full time artist can be one of the most difficult and unappreciated vocations in society. But many of us chose this road less travelled because to turn our backs on creating beauty would be as deep a betrayal as turning away from our very own passions. We chose to embrace the struggle and meet the challenge head on, because denying that passion is simply not an option.

The passion to create beauty is a driving force that is woven into the depths of our being. Yes it may be an excruciating journey, but true artists believe that the chance to live this noble passion is worth the price.

“Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

I believe Emerson is right. This is why being a passionate artist matters to the world. Because when we see beauty, our hearts respond. And this beauty whispers of God’s presence, His love, His heart towards us.

“Art is how we make God beautiful, and His beauty is one of the reasons why we worship Him.”
– Calvin Miller

We artists may never fully know the extent of how our work has made a difference, but we know it matters. And that is why true artists can’t ignore the call to live a passionate and creative existence.

We would rather be “starving artists” who bring beauty into the world than keep that passion inside ourselves.

I began business mentoring for photographers over six years ago when I saw that I could help photographers continue their purpose driven work, without sacrificing the ability to make an income and living. It breaks my heart that so many wonderful and generous artists fail because of the business side. CRAFT Business Bootcamp was borne from that. My passion is to help photographers be the artists they were born to be, empowering them to build businesses around bringing beauty into the world around them. For me, it’s a cause that is worth fighting for.

If you are an artist, a photographer, a creator of beauty – never give up. What you do matters to the world in the most dynamic of ways. Your purpose and calling is sacred. Never forget that the beauty you bring into the world also inspires hope, love, faith, and meaning. Can you think of a more meaningful way to spend your life?

Personally, I can’t.

So steady on my fellow artists.

Steady on.


If you want to learn about making your passion into profit, check out Christina’s brand new Craft Business Bootcamp. She’ll teach you how to turn your hobby into a sustainable business. And when you sign up, let her know I sent you!

published March 2, 2015

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